Create a Profile

How to use this website:

Go here to register on the site and to login after you register.

Once you login, you will have the ability to create a profile post. This is a single page that lets you tell the community who you are and what you do.

Put your Full Name in the title area, and once again on the top of your post. The rest of the post can be anything you would like to say. It can include images, links, or html.

On the right, select the categories that you fall into, and this will automatically place your profile in the correct areas of the website.

We have setup this system to allow the community to define itself. You, yes you have the ability to put any information about who you are and what you do on our website. If you would rather not do it yourself, you can send us an email with the info and an image you’d like to use and we will create it for you.

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